People Driven Features
Enjoy Complete Peace Of Mind
- Comprehensive, integrated, and real-time databases.
- Record data for students, parents, and staff with an unlimited number of user defined fields.
- Maintain security through SSL encryption, password access, and continuous backup.
- Our private email is an intra-school email service.
- Communications regarding school business is safe and easy to find.
- All messages are archived.
- You can rest assured that all messages are received because inboxes are free of the clutter found in personal and work email accounts. This also means no junk mail!
- Text and email notification options are available and administrator driven.
- Notifications can include basic messages such as “You have a message” or the full original message.
- Forwarding the full message to users adds the convenience factor, which can be appropriate much of the time.
- Best of both worlds, security and convenience!
- Quickly send an emergency message to your whole community.
- Messages are sent as a private email within FastDirect then to designated personal/work email accounts and finally to cell phones as an SMS text message.
- Real-time attendance feature generates easy to find emergency census.
- Easily publish menus and prices online.
- Track free and reduced breakfasts and lunches.
- State reports.
- Track student/family lunch accounts without tickets.
- Supports bar code scanners and fingerprint scanning.
- Manage billing and tuition with online payments.
- Accept credit card, debit card, and ACH (electronic checks) payments.
- Parents online payments are automatically recorded.
- Financial records of all transactions in parent accounts available for audit.
- Parents have one-click access to expense reports/tax year printouts reports.
- Create school and teacher identity while informing parents.
- All staff have customizable web pages and calendars (with automatic functional linkage to grade books).
- Easy to record, track, and report attendance data.
- Reports are updated in real-time, are easy to find, and are accurate.
- District and state reports.
- Immediate and up-to-date summary of who is out of the building for emergency purposes.
- Control the options and user rights for every type of user: Administrator, Teacher, Cafeteria Manager, Volunteer, Secretary, etc.
- Customize levels of access to meet your school’s specific needs.
Track enrollment and registration.
Post important documents.
Record payments.
Families can register online and update demographic family data.
- Track all health related visits to the school office or clinic.
- View confidential records of all health related visits to the school clinic or school office.
- Track administration of medications.
- Create helpful links to information as a reference tool for staff, parents, and students.
- Follow links to important web sites (i.e. public library).
- View school documents (newsletters, manuals, forms, etc.).
- Report options are robust and flexible.
- Reports are centralized, easy to generate, and customizable.
- Satisfy both state and district requirements.
- Make your own ad hoc reports using parent, student, and staff data.
- Edit data in batch form using an ad hoc report.
- Design is flexible and customizable.
- Grade input is easily accomplished by teachers at the designated time.
- Report cards are archived along with all grade data.
- Administrators choose when to allow parents to view them online and save paper in the process!
- Intuitive assignment and grade entry makes classroom management easy.
- Integration through Clever allows teachers to share rosters from our SIS to other learning management systems and educational apps.
- Automatically post to the assignment calendar.
- Optional ability to post to teacher web pages and calendars.
- Customizable grade scales, including points, and weighted averages
- Standards/Common Core (standards) capable.
- Grade reports are available online for easy access.
- Parents can have access to grade book reports, report cards, progress reports, assignment calendars, and missing assignments.
- Administrators choose which type of reports to publish for parent viewing.
- Administrators also choose when reports are available for parent viewing.
- According to user rights controlled by administrators, staff can have access to transcripts, report cards, grade book reports, assignment calendars, missing assignment, honor roll, sports eligibility, and cumulative GPA.
- Reports are easily print at school or at home.
- Record meetings and notes to better support your students.
- Complete confidential records of Individualized Education Plans (IEP), disciplinary incidents, and general behavior.
- Parent access is intuitive and mobile friendly.
- The portal keeps school information centralized and current.
- Simple navigation means private email, grades, lunch orders, finance history, calendars, documents, news, and teacher web pages are easy to find.
- FastDirect Communications is proud to partner with Clever.
- Clever keeps educational applications rostered and up-to-date by syncing the data entered into your FastDirect SIS.
- Clever provides single sign-on capabilities for over 200 applications.
- This means a convenient sync of email addresses with other email clients and even integration with Google classroom!
FDpay inside the Parent Portal:
The FastDirect Parent account is easy to add/edit Card or Bank Information. The Finance tab offers parents the ability to make payments, check balances, view transactions, add or remove credit card information, add or remove bank accounts and print out tax reports.
Below is an example of Your Wallet:

Below is an example of Make a Payment:

Below is an example of Fee Calculation and Total. Now you can Submit Your Payment:

Below is a Receipt for Your Payment on screen. Additionally, a copy is sent in FDmail to the Parent Account:

Pace Insight Reporting:
Below is an Insight Report for a school. The Data can be shared via a CSV file to other business systems including all payments.

Pace Monthly Reporting
Convenience for Parents – making online payments is fast and simple
- Credit Card, Debit Card, and ACH payments are updated immediately in FastDirect’s Finance component
- PACE reporting for your school, church, and district
Activate FDpay Today! Call 1 (866) 805-3116
- Activate your credit card and debit card merchant agreement with Pace for $10.00 per month
- Decide if your school or if your families will pay the transaction fee which is 3%
- Activate your ACH (electronic check) merchant agreement for $5 per month
- Decide if your school or if your families will pay the transaction fee which is $1.00
(You can select credit/debit card only, ACH only, or both.) - FastDirect will take care of your system setup
- FastDirect will train your designated staff member(s) on how to use the Finance component.
FastDirect Communications LLC has partnered with Pace Payment Systems Inc. to make it easy and safe for your school to accept credit card, debit card, and ACH (electronic checks) payments.
Enhance communication with parents
Stronger parental involvement
Reduce surprises at report card time
“Just wanted to send a positive note to say “thank you” for implementing the FastDirect system. As a parent, it is wonderful to be able to “double-check” my kids’ assignments and monitor academic performance regularly instead of waiting for mid-quarter or quarter-end. I love the ability to be more proactive with their homework because of it and wanted to just let you know how much it has helped our family! Thanks and Have a Great Day!”
Parent, Glencoe, MN

Improve parent involvement and student achievement
Record grades from anywhere with internet access
Complete report cards in about 30 minutes and save time
“FastDirect has been a great tool for me to communicate with parents and sometimes students! As Athletic Director I find FastDirect a necessary communication tool. I use the calendar to publish game schedules and contact parents via FastDirect about any schedule changes. It makes my job MUCH easier!”
Shannon Aurich – Teacher & Athletic Director | Zion Lutheran School – Mayer, MN

Help keep track of assignments, tests, and projects
Communicate easily with teachers
Improve student participation
Eliminate surprises at report card time
“I like that I can see my grades and see if I am struggling in any course. I can also check to see when my assignments are due which helps me budget my time.”
Adrian – 6th Grade Student | St. Peter’s Catholic School – St. Louis, MO

- Boost recruitment
- Meet parents’ expectations for easy access to information
- Enhance communication with parents
- Improve academic achievement
- Stronger parental involvement
- Staff focus on core responsibilities rather than on clerical and technical issues
- Increase safety
- Improve student participation
- No surprises at report card time

- Improve parent involvement
- Improve student achievement
- Record grades from anywhere at any time
- Save time (report cards done in about 30 minutes)
- Never retype assignments because they are posted automatically
- Never manually calculate term averages
- Never need to download information from grade book to make it available for parents and students

- Enhance communication with parents
- Stronger parental involvement
- Reduce surprises at report card time
- Help keep track of assignments, tests, and projects
- Easier communications with teachers
- Improve student participation
- Help set goals
- Eliminate surprises at report card time